Month: September 2020

4 Amazing Tips on Content Marketing for Small Businesses

Historically, small businesses have been slower in adapting to content marketing methods and / or strategies that are utilize by corporate marketers. However, as (SEO) Search Engine Optimization practices have evolved considerably in the last…

Buying Second Hand Spearguns

Like any sport, you can get cheap second hand spearfishing gear from a number of locations. The speargun is usually the most expensive item in your list of gear to get, so getting one that…

All About Buying And Selling Of Old Panties

Did you know that you can buy and sell used panties? Here are a few things you should be aware of about the trade: Buying of old panties There are many reasons why people would…

Social Responsibility Begins at Home

Talk to anyone about a company’s social responsibility and some of the first images that come to mind are the rain forest in Brazil, with the associated need for conservation, and the sweatshops in the…

SEO & AdWords Benefits for Local Businesses

While making a decision about investing your money and time for promoting your business then you will have to consider certain things like whether to invest in AdWords or on SEO. Though both of these…

What You Should Never Buy Before Looking at Your Local Barter Exchange

It doesn’t matter how smart, wealthy or “business savvy” you are. If you can use a telephone, mail a letter or operate your fax machine, you can easily use a secret business loophole to add…

Small Businesses Can Leverage Machine Learning Just Like The Big Boys

How would you define a small business, the number of personnel, the size of the budget, or sales? However you define your own small business, it too can take advantage of the AI/machine learning revolution…

The Pros and Cons of Secondhand Clothes

Second hand clothes are common among most people. They are especially a favorite among young people due to their low-cost. Many stores specialize purely in second-hand clothes, where people can drop off their clothes. The…

Corporate Social Responsibility and HR Implications

As we see every day companies spend huge amounts of money trying to be socially responsible. My first consideration is concerned about why companies are “socially” and “ethically” active and what are the main issues…

Local Businesses Serving Seniors Prove Commitment to Quality Care

Good news! You no longer have to risk chance when it comes to selecting a reputable elder care service for yourself or for a loved one. Senior Approved Services has certified a select number of…