Chefs use many tools and techniques to shape a standard recipe into a signature dish. Spices, when skillfully used in the preparation of a side item, such as a vegetable that complements the main dish,…
Donald Trump was elected as the 45th US President on November 8, 2016, and is stated to take office as the President of the United States on January 20, 2016. The new US President elect…
Smoking can trigger headaches in several ways. Nicotine in tobacco can cause blood vessels in the brain to enlarge and press on nerves, causing a headache. Smoking can also stimulate the nerves at the back…
Today, squeeze tubes or bottles are quite popular across all types of industries. Partly, it’s because they are flexible and contain a range of products. And the good thing is that they don’t cost an…
In our busy lives sometimes we don’t often think about some of life’s most important things namely our own good health. When we get sick, many times we just tough it out and not even…
Outsourcing Your Workload: As a small business, you may not yet have the manpower to handle a steadily increasing workload. Growth is good, but if the work suffers because you are taking on more than…
Regardless to how good of an employer you are, and even if you treat your employees well, understand that employee theft is a reality, and you need to control it. While it may only be…
Many of the personal care products sold in retail stores contain harsh chemicals that can be hard on the skin. Ingredients include detergent, dyes, preservatives and synthetic fragrances. These harsh substances can dry out the…
Cooking food outdoors can be a great way to enjoy your backyard patio and unwind after work. There are many different types of BBQ grill available at stores, but you can also build your own.…
It sounds like an Army thing, rigid rules and regulations. Yuck. That’s the kind of stuff we all hate to do. But it has an important place in business and must be understood for an…