Month: August 2023

Chipotle Mexican Restaurant – A Fast Food Chain With Integrity

Chipotle Mexican Grill, the fast food burrito chain with over 900 restaurants across North America, continues to make an unprecedented commitment to organic food and supporting local farmers. I know it’s a cliché, but most…

Why Is It Vital Today for Small Business Owners to Have Their Own App?

If you own a small business today and you do not have an app to promote your business, you should address this now. Apps for smartphone’s have become a way of life. 86% of the…

What is the Average Working Life Expectancy of a Chair Stair Lift?

When we think of life expectancy… a chair stair lift is the furthest thing from our minds. As a matter of fact, for most of us, until just a few years ago, it probably never…

Ecommerce and Planned Obsolescence

Have you ever heard of the term ‘planned obsolescence’? Prior to 1920 products were made that often stood the test of time. They were sturdy, often hand machined and were ultimately the best in long-term…

How to Find Small Business Startup Grants

Starting a new business can be a difficult thing especially if you do not have enough money to pay for everything. Getting grant money to help you out can be a great way for you…

Asian Food Recipes – Delicious Oriental Cuisine

Are you looking for Asian food recipes? Stumped? Are you just not sure where to look? There are many resources for recipes out there, and even trying to find different ethnic food recipes isn’t all…

Starting a Small Business, Again and Again

We’ve been starting small businesses since we first got married over 26 years ago…this is a list of all the things that were successful and not so successful. We started selling a book that I…

How to Buy a Car? 10 Step Strategy for Buying a Better Car Without Overpaying

Buying a car is a major purchase and can be a daunting task, but to convert that daunting task to an easy task you should learn some essential car buying tips. Deciding on what you…

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing For Marketers and Product Owners

Affiliate marketing is derived from Internet marketing. In this program, the ad publisher receives a payment on each customer for any sale done. Affiliate marketing serves as a base for other strategies of Internet marketing…

Things to Consider While Planning a Trip to Nepal

Nestled between the Himalayan trail and India, Nepal is a place to quench your adrenaline rush for outdoor treks and picturesque views. The snow clad mountains, yaks, Sherpas and monasteries could possibly be the ultimate…