Author: shmapp_admin

The English Phonetic Alphabet is a Tool For English As a Second Language (ESL) Learners

Spoken English is made up of forty individual sounds including twenty four consonant sounds and sixteen vowels sounds. With only twenty six letters in the ABC’s, the Latin alphabet has never accurately represented English speaking.…

Buying Used Office Furniture – Cubicles Vs. Case Goods

Buying used furniture is a smart choice for many companies. The furniture typically sells for pennies on the dollar and can be found in “like new’ condition. There are many different types and looks of…

5 Common Sense Reasons, To Remain Vigilant, About Public Health Issues

The vast majority of people, would agree, we have experienced an unfortunate, horrific, public health crisis, because of this pandemic, of COVID19. Those paying attention, and being ready, willing, and/ or, able, to effectively listen…

Online Marketing Small Business

Online marketing small business companies is a highly lucrative opportunity – for the web designers, web hosts and internet marketers. They can capitalize on new entrants, frighten them with technological talk, press them into substantial…

4 Aquarium Items to Make Sure You Purchase

The task of purchasing your saltwater aquarium equipment can be overwhelming at times, and can make it easy to forget the basic items you should really consider buying first. In this post iIwant to review…

Human Resources: Best Hiring Practices for Small Business

There is little doubt that now is an exciting time to be a small business, especially when it comes to hiring. It is certainly a “buyers” market for qualified candidates. Every job opening has the…

Framing Your Art – Essential But Needn’t Break the Bank

Framing is an essential part of the art purchase. For works on paper be they photographic prints, water colours, digital prints, etchings et al framing under glass protects your investment and increases its life. It…

Over The Counter Treatment Products For Male Yeast Infection

The most commonly used over the counter medications used to treat male yeast infections are the same products that are used to cure female yeast infections. That’s because the very same yeast that causes vaginal…

Business Language – Building Your Business Knowledge

Image – It is important to take note of how the market views your services. Your image comprises the visibility of your business, your logo, the uniform of your employees, the signage on the road,…

Consulting for Small Businesses in Nigeria

Business or Management Consulting is the practice of helping organizations solve problems so as to improve their efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. It is a global business worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Wherever businesses exist,…