Category: Buying Local

Social Structures, Customs and Behaviors in Kenya

Kenyans are fun loving, hardworking, social and a hospitable lot. The social environment in Kenya is amongst the most favorable for visitors given the open attitude Kenyans have to social differences, and it is a…

4 Indonesian Extreme Foods

Culinary lovers all around the world will certainly hunt for unique and delicious foods. They hunt not only for regular ones, but also for the extreme ones. Extreme foods are sometimes made from the unusual…

Explore Authentic Jamaica Through a Food Festival

Explore Authentic Jamaica through a food festival. Jamaica has many interesting foods and several annual food festivals. The Portland Jerk Festival is one of the most well-known festivals because it involves one of Jamaica’s most…

Food That Doesn’t Match the Menu

The question of whether or not you are actually getting the exact same food that is listed on the menu has lingered in the restaurant industry. What guarantee is there that you are going to…

Different Types Of Farms

Although farming was quite popular a few decades ago amongst the various cultures, it is not so prevalent in recent times. In Texas cities like Dalhart, it is often seen a number of farms on…

Claude Muller Real Estate Megalomania: What Happens When the Sharks Are Above the Law

While reading an article on Alexis Muller Pellerin, described as a rising star of the real estate world, I have also discovered his grandfather, Claude Muller, retired property developer in Cannes. I managed to find…

Wielding Spice

Chefs use many tools and techniques to shape a standard recipe into a signature dish. Spices, when skillfully used in the preparation of a side item, such as a vegetable that complements the main dish,…

Apples and Wheat Germ – Super Foods!

In our busy lives sometimes we don’t often think about some of life’s most important things namely our own good health. When we get sick, many times we just tough it out and not even…

Four DIY Ways to Make a BBQ Grill

Cooking food outdoors can be a great way to enjoy your backyard patio and unwind after work. There are many different types of BBQ grill available at stores, but you can also build your own.…

5 Ways Hunting Is Actually Environmentally Friendly

Slow down. Before you call PETA to request they send a hitman, hear me out. A majority of people eat meat, so why is farming a better source of meat than hunting? Turns out it’s…