Category: Buying Local

Used Electric Golf Carts – Tips on Buying Electric Golf Carts

Electric golf carts are usually more popular than gas powered carts as they are more environment friendly as they mean no more emission of fumes and fuel burning. As the awareness regarding global warming is…

3 Things to Consider When Buying Used Car Parts

Used car parts are a great way to cut the cost of repairing a car in need of maintenance. Many of these parts are available at a fraction of the cost of buying brand-new. Let’s…

Tips To Buy Car Parts Online

Cars are susceptible to wear and tear in due course of time. Accidents or seasonal wear and tear causes damage to the car. One may require to repair the damage by changing the car parts.…

Real Estate Caveat: Don’t Market – Time!

While there may be certain periods of time, when one, might find a better opportunity, than another, in terms of buying or selling real estate, it is rarely a good idea, to try to apply…

Country Markets – Traditional, Homemade Social Enterprise

There are approximately 300 Country Markets across England, Wales and the Channel Islands, which make up a network of people devoted to selling homemade goods and local produce. This network has been keeping these markets…

Fun Things to Try This Summer That Are ALMOST Free!

During the summer, your wallet may take a big hit due to spending on activities such as outdoor BBQ parties, trips to the beach, and more. Even if you’re on a budget or thinking of…

The Key to Buying a Cheap Bike in Amsterdam

An Amsterdammer’s main mode of transportation, if you haven’t noticed already, is a bike (fiets). For every inhabitant in this wonderful city, there are roughly 2 bikes. With that being said, if you haven’t already…

Defensive Buying – 5 Ways to Buy Smart in a Down Economy

Depending on where you live, your local real estate market may be experiencing a downturn. Historically, these market adjustments have served as a natural protection against runaway price inflation, and in the long-run can be…

How Can a Good Real Estate Agent Help?

Consider the option of going ahead with a real estate agent because he helps the buyer or the seller of the property in more ways than one. Key responsibilities of a good agent make the…

American Wood Furniture Is Linked To Global Forest Conservation

Have you ever thought about where your wood furniture comes from? Over the past few decades, the organic food movement has made us ask questions about the origin of our food. Now the fundamental concerns…