Tag: Live Love Local

Top Characteristics For Your Facebook Fan Page

Facebook provides businesses some unsurpassed branding opportunities, along with inexhaustible potential for marketing. Using the Facebook platform and the services of Facebook app developers, companies utilize an innovative approach to branding with little effort. Many…

How Do You Talk, Eat and Live in a Language You Are Learning?

From teacher to learner To set the record straight I will confess: as a teacher I was a touch sanctimonious about telling students how easy it was to learn English. Then I arrived in Chile…

Web Optimization May Lead to More Website Traffic

Advertising You can build the best looking site on the web but what good does it do if no one can find it? This is where advertising and promotion comes in. By promoting your site…

How A Person Should Store Art Drawings

If a person has a love of art and drawing, then the chances are that such a person has been storing every single drawing for a long time. Where to put them might be a…

Call Me The Soul of Your Heart

Mr. Michael Fagan was going to the dining room to eat, and Mrs. Lucy Fagan was waiting around the corner. She had been thinking how to get him to call her “the soul of his…

Rare Earths and You

Rare Earths and You As of late, Rare Earth Elements (REEs) have come into focus in the media. What are REEs all about and how do they affect you? From Curiosity… The group of rare…

A Smart Community or Regional Tourist Committee Starts With Local Traffic and Word-Of-Mouth

The other day, I was talking to a group of folks who had set up a tourist committee for our local region. Their job was to get people from other regions to come in and…

Advertising Signage Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

Emerging advertising tools and channels are continuously changing the way we communicate or promote products or services. Signs, whether safety or commercial, are now being designed with the glittering digital display that presents content in…

Leading With Love – What Training My Dogs Taught Me About Working With Children

I’d just finished a particularly grueling two-hour session with a family and an 8-year-old boy who was defiant, angry and acting out with abandon. Everyone was frustrated-the parents, the children, the teachers. And by the…

Online Pharmacies and Their Benefits to Health Care

Most Americans are experiencing a difficult time managing the recession. Financial imbalance has caused the shutting down of companies and lay offs of millions. Because a greater number people possess no income, they can no…