Tag: Responsibility

Social Responsibility – Accountability or a Management Fad?

The object of social responsibilities of business has become a most fashionable topic for everybody to talk about and it has become almost customary for all the company chairmen to show their deep interest to…

Indian Corporate Laws – Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (“CSR”), a new initiative under the Companies Act 2013 (“CA13”), is the process by which an organization thinks about and evolves its relationships with stakeholders for the common good, and demonstrates its…

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Social responsibility is the theory that every entity has a duty towards the common good of society at large, in order to maintain a balance between economy and ecology. This responsibility can be at an…

The Bushfire Festival of Swaziland: Social Responsibility Standing Firm

Like an annual Woodstock in the bush, the Bushfire Festival in the Kingdom of Swaziland, South Africa, brings together a broad spectrum of artists and musicians for a three-day festival of creative celebration devoted to…

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Corporate Governance

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Corporate governance is the (written) body of laws by which a corporation governs and polices itself. It is an internally generated document, usually made public, mandating…

Social Responsibility & The Corporate Values Statement

Corporate Values reflect a company’s culture. The values make that the culture is to be communicated which is a difficult task. To understand a suitable value statement for a company, one should understand what culture…

The Social Responsibility of Hip-Hop

Hip-Hop is no longer limited to rap music and break dancing; today it represents a multi-billion dollar industry that influences everything from fashion to prime- time television programming, professional sports, mass media marketing and advertising.…

Doing Well by Doing Good: Law Firm Social Responsibility

Corporations increasingly subscribe to the principle of corporate social responsibility. CSR is based on the belief that a demonstration of concern for the environment, human rights, community development and the welfare of their employees can…

An Advertiser’s Responsibility To Respect Social Sensitivities

An advertiser is required to produce advertisements to market and promote the product(s) of the firm he is employed by. The medium of advertisement can be print, electronic, or the most current medium, social media.…

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Corporate Governance Models

Corporate governance models There are a number of variations of the CSR model in practice across the globe. If we can imagine a linear scale moving from left to right, Stakeholder (excluding shareholders) interests on…