Tag: Social Responsibility

Five Things You Must Know Before Buying Property in Belize

Buying property is always a stressful process and can be even more so when purchasing in a foreign country. However, Belize is part of the British Commonwealth with a legal system that shares the same…

Uses of Outdoor LCD Enclosures

Using flat screen TVs out of the home has become a common practice since the rise of the LCD and plasma. These are far easier to mount and use than the old CRT monitors (Cathode…

The Importance Of Having A Reach Truck Or Forklift

A lifting truck is very much like a forklift, but there is a small difference. This kind of vehicle is like a small forklift, designed for small aisles. They are usually electric powered and are…

Growing Need for High-End Fashion Brands to Go Fur-Free

Animal fur is one of the high-priced raw material used in the production of high-end fashion products. The material has been used since time immemorial in human clothing. In recent times, inhuman practices in the…

How to Optimize Your Website for Local Search

7 SEO Strategies to Optimize Your Local Business Website In the past year (has it really been a year since we first went into COVID-19-mode?!), we’ve heard a lot about the #ShopLocal movement. Especially over…

4 Essential SEO Strategy Elements for Service-Based Businesses

Unique Elements Required for a Service-based Business to Rank Properly in the Search Engines. While big multinational companies employ SEO strategies to gain clients and customers from all over the world, a small business who…

MICR Printer Paper Jams and Feed Errors – 4 Common Issues and How to Fix Them

1. Paper jams and multiple sheets are being fed at a time because the check stock hasn’t been properly separated The best way to separate blank check stock and reduce MICR printer paper jams is…

The Importance of Parking Equipment and Searching for the Right Manufacturer

All major cities throughout the US are increasingly experiencing a shortage of parking spaces. With more automobiles hitting the roads each year, there is a growing need to make the best out of the available…

The Difference Between Mukluks and Moccasins

By definition, a mukluk is a high, soft boot worn in the North American arctic traditionally made from sealskin. A moccasin on the other hand is a slipper, specifically without a separate heel, consisting of…

Government Hands Out Billions In Corporate Welfare and Then Gives Loans to Small Business

I always think it is funny when our politicians tell us that they are working to help small businesses. Whenever I hear a politician in one of the districts where I am tell me such…