Tag: Social Responsibility

Fiber Optic Light Source for Optical Communication Systems

>> Light Source Requirement in a Fiber Optic Communication System Light source plays a significant part in a fiber optic communication system. The basic optical fiber system consists of a transmitter, an optical fiber, and…

The Doral Boat – Rich in Canadian History

Canadians may not be known for the boats they manufacture but they actually have a good history with it. The Chemin du Roy, a road along the St. Lawrence River shore in Quebec, Canada, is…

Health Benefits of Organic Foods and Why is it Important to Buy Them

In the last 25 years I have been asked thousands and thousands of fitness related questions. Invariably the most prominent question is, with their hand patting their tummy, how do I lose this? My answer…

5 Key Ways Home Buying Makes Sense

Although, many consider, buying, and/ or, owning a home, of one’s own, it’s important to understand, recognize, and realize, some of the key reasons, this process, if far more than merely, finding the best place…

5 Advantages of Using Credit Card Machines for Small Businesses

Today, cash doesn’t rule the economy anymore. Instead, people use credit cards to make and receive payments. Nowadays, people use their credit cards to pay for a cup of coffee at a restaurant or coffee…

Product Review: Denim Hair Bows For Girls

The package came all the way from Canada in great shape. It took about a week to be mailed, but this is normal when coming from Canada. If you want the best shipping prices from…

Hard Drive Performance Comparison

I have had many people ask me including fellow network administrators, Information Technology Consultants, College Students and Business Owners what is the difference between the Seagate ST31000528AS drive and the Seagate ST31000524AS drive? The only…

Eco-tourism In Sri Lanka

Eco-tourism is a commercial venture, which strives to conserve the local habitat while entertaining local and international tourists from around the world. Various different geographical locations are earmarked for such initiatives. This helps bring in…

The Basics To Starting A Home Based Business

Choosing The Best Home Based Business Starting a home based business seems like a very exciting endeavor to embark upon and for those who are already very enthusiastic about the particular product or service they…

Is Buying an Investment Property a Good Idea?

Now that the real estate market is on the upswing, some homeowners are considering buying an additional property to take advantage of remarkably low housing prices coupled with low interest rates. Is It Wise to…