Tag: Synthetic

Environmental Intelligence – The Truth About Lead in Synthetic Turf

Recent reports surrounding high levels of lead in artificial turf may, on the surface, be alarming. However, simply put, FieldTurf is safe and the science is there to prove it. Let’s review some of the…

Natural Ingredients vs Synthetic – Which Are Better for Your Skin?

Can you really believe everything you read? When it comes to selecting skin care products, the answer might surprise you. A debate rages on as to whether products containing all natural ingredients are really better…

Say No to Synthetic Fresh Fruit and Vegetables – 5 Reasons to Buy Organic Products

There is a new concept making its way around the fresh food industry. It’s a combination of scientific processors and a plants own natural development to create what is becoming known as synthetic fresh food.…

Different Uses Of Synthetic Urine

Synthetic urine is an artificially manufactured combination of water with other organic and inorganic components like creatinine, phosphates, sulfates, chloride, and urea. This is primarily intended for laboratory applications. Though it simulates all the physical…