Category: Social Responsibility

Environmental Analysis of T.G.I. Friday’s

T.G.I. Friday’s is a well-known name on a national level as well as a global level. However, just like any other striving business T.G.I. Friday’s faces challenges every day. Certain factors from their general and…

Conscious Capitalism – Another View

Conscious capitalism has been touted as a moral transformation of capitalism, going beyond the social responsibility of capitalism to increase shareholder profit. According to Patricia Aburdene, author of Megatrends 2010: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism:…

Ethical Issues in the Fashion Industry

The issue of ethics is a major concern in society and covers a wide range of spectrums. Ethical fashion brings to the root matters related to work conditions, fair trading, animal welfare, exploitation and the…

Business Ethics Summary

Ethics is one of the oldest disciplines, the object of study of which is morality. The term ethics was introduced by Aristotle, who thoughtfully remarked that ethics “helps to know what to do and what…

How Homeschooling Affects Children’s Social Skills

Hands down, one of the biggest concerns about homeschooling is the fear that homeschool students are not learning effective social skills or are not being properly socialized. The presumption is, the best way to socialize…

Change the World – Start Something That Matters

My tagline is Work Happy, Love Happy, and Change the World. One of the people who has inspired me to change the world is Blake Mycoskie, founder of TOMS Shoes. I heard Blake speak at…

Are You Going Green?

Green marketing is a developing arena in the marketing department. It refers to the procedure whereby products and services are sold on the basis of their environmental advantages. In such a case, products can be…

How Many MORE Must Die?

Almost certainty, 2020 will be considered, one of the most challenging, difficult ones, in recent memory, etc! The combination of the economic/ financial stresses, throughout the world, the rhetoric/ vitriol, articulated by President Trump, and…

Need Assessment for CSR Projects

Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) is a process in large Organisations where the Companies integrate Social and Environmental concerns in their Business. In some cases, Companies do this as mandated by Company laws and in some cases,…

The Power of SMO (Social Media Optimisation)

We live in an age where social media presence is more important than being present in real-life social situations. It makes sense too because, in real life, you can’t choose certain attributes of your life;…