Tag: Summary

A Summary of My Experience of Finding and Using a Virtual Assistant

Several months ago I read the following definition of insanity;”the act of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. As I related the definition to my small businesses (a…

Limited Liability Insurance for Small Business Info: A Brief Summary of LLP Insurance

Every business has to have insurance of some kind, but what about partnerships? If you do have some ownership in a business arrangement but not the entire organization as a whole, you should only be…

Small Business Liability Insurance: Summary of What This Insurance Covers

Something unexpected can always happen with any type of business, so it’s important that you have financial protection. Don’t think that just because you have a small company that you don’t need insurance. No matter…

Business Ethics Summary

Ethics is one of the oldest disciplines, the object of study of which is morality. The term ethics was introduced by Aristotle, who thoughtfully remarked that ethics “helps to know what to do and what…