Choosing Small Business Web Marketing Strategies

My small business Web marketing strategies is to keep it simple.

Simple to me is:

  • focused,
  • scalable,
  • systematic and teachable,
  • can be leveraged, and
  • is easily measurable.

Of course, it must be effective as well.

When diving into Web marketing for your small business, it’s a good idea to explore your options, but then you need to pick and choose. Unless you have millions of dollars and a huge team, you can’t possibly execute all the Web marketing strategies effectively.

Elements of a Great Small Business Web Marketing Strategy

Simple business marketing strategies to me are those that are focused, scalable, systemic, and can be leveraged.

1. Be Focused with your Business Web Marketing Strategies

Getting focused in critical. “Pick and stick” to a few core Web marketing activities. Excel at those activities and do them consistently.

Consistency is a natural consequence of being focused. Don’t try and do it all in 2 weeks. Instead, once you’ve chosen your core Web marketing strategies, develop an action plan and follow through.

For example. If you decide on focusing on article and video marketing, then develop a publishing timeline. Resolve to publish a certain number of articles and videos each month. Take action consistently. Also set a realistic timeline. In the beginning you may revise your timeline.

Think in terms years, not weeks. If you publish 2 articles and 2 videos each month, in 2 years you’ll have nearly 100 published articles and videos. Even if each article and video drives 1 visitor to your website each week, that’s 200 visitors per week.

Moreover, you’ll establish a huge bank of articles and videos which in itself will build credibility. A few articles and a few videos won’t have the same impact as hundreds of articles and videos.

I publish articles primarily in EzineArticles and videos in YouTube because those publishing platforms receive the most views and delivers the most traffic.

2. Choose Marketing Strategies that are Scalable

Scalable, in the sense I’m referring to it, is being able to start small with no or a limited budget, and build on your success. As you increase revenues, you can “scale it up” by investing growing profits into your chosen marketing activities.

The reality for many small businesses, especially when starting out, is there are not a lot of resources for marketing. Being able to start with little or no investment is important.

3. Systematic and Teachable

I’m a DIY, hands-on marketer for my business. When you know your core marketing activities well, then you’re in a much better position to hire it out because you know how it should be performed. You also know how to measure results.

Simple means you turn your Web marketing strategy into a system. You have a plan and you execute consistently. You don’t have to re-invent the wheel. Instead, you wash, rinse, and repeat… once you establish and effective system.

Continue doing your core activities over and over. Keep in mind that it may take a little while to develop an effective Web marketing system. Once you do, then you can then easily hire it out or have train someone in your organization to do it.

Example: returning to the article and video marketing example, you’ll not only have a publishing timeline, but you’ll develop article writing techniques and video templates you can use over and over. In time, you’ll write articles and create videos faster.

4. Leveraging Your Marketing Activities

Leveraging your marketing activities is building upon past work. Leveraging Web marketing activities enables you to exponentially build up your Web presence.

You can best leverage when you choose marketing activities that complement one another.

The best way to explain this is by example. Returning to the article and video marketing example, you can leverage those two complementary activities. Your article content can be your video content.

Leveraging also results naturally as you build up a Web presence. As you publish more quality articles, you have more content readily available for your readers. Same thing with videos. Once they read your articles and watch your videos, your other work is there for people (i.e. prospective customers) to read and watch.

More content also builds credibility… as long as it’s quality content.

5. Easily Measurable

Choose small business Web marketing strategies that present ways for you to measure results. If you don’t know what’s working, then you won’t know what to do. You want to focus on effective activities only.

The first part of being measurable is determining the results you seek.

  • Is it the number of visitors to your website?
  • How about the number of article or video views?
  • Is it the number of new customers?

Likely it’s all of these. Ultimately it’s the number of new customers and revenues. However, measuring a variety of figures/data is important.

Do some research to find out what are good numbers and what are bad numbers. You need to set the goal posts.

However, don’t prematurely stop a marketing strategy or activity because you aren’t getting huge results right away. Web marketing takes time. You’ll have to tweak and test your activities and system.

Which leads to the second part of being measurable – testing and tweaking. Analyze what’s working and then tweak weak areas. This is an ongoing process.

For example, some types of articles receive more views and click-thrus than others. In your market, you’ll have to try different article approaches to see what works the best for your business.

Source by Peter Lawlor