It Is Best to Buy Sporting Goods That Are Brand New?

Many people are going through hard times financially and are making the decision to buy sporting goods second-hand. While this can save you a lot of money on the overall cost to play the sport, in the end it could cost you a lot more if the equipment is not in a safe condition. Not all second-hand stores take the time to ensure that every product they sell is in the best condition that it can possibly be. This means that by using the pre-owned equipment, you could be putting yourself in danger.

Football Helmets

Many parents choose to buy their children second-hand football helmets, because they believe that they will offer the same protection as a brand new helmet. This is often not the case at all and it could pose potential danger for the children that wear the helmets. Recent studies have shown that concussions have severe repercussions that many athletes deal with for the rest of their lives. Helmets are not designed to take all of the impact when two players clash. New advancements in helmet technology is made all the time and buying a new helmet will allow you to rest assured that your child has the best protection possible.

Pre-Owned Cleats

Like other previously owned sporting goods, cleats are never a good thing to buy used. When you wear a pair of cleats, the inner sole of the shoe will mold and bend around the shape of your foot. If children wear used cleats, while their feet are still growing, it could cause them to have major damage done to their feet. Wearing used cleats can also cause you to become injured while playing a sport, because the bottom of the cleats may be worn down and not offer the same traction that a new pair would offer.

Used Protective Pads

Protective padding is used in many different sports and can be one of the most expensive sporting items you will ever need to buy. While buying the pads pre-owned may seem like the most affordable option, it could cause the wearer to have serious side effects. Pads hold moisture when a player sweats. There are many individuals who do not take the time to wash their pads after they use them. This means that germs, bacteria, and even mold can grow on or in the pads. When you wear previously owned padding, you will be putting the fungus from someone else directly against your skin.

This can cause your skin to become irritated and even cause you to get a serious infection. It is worth the investment to buy new sporting goods for each sport, to ensure that the wearer is as safe as they can be and is able to use the equipment for years to come.

Source by Andrew Stratton