Paramotoring in 7 Simple Steps

If the title of this article interests you, chances are you have finally decided to try paramotoring by building and flying your own powered paraglider. I will give you 7 easy to follow steps to realize your dream of flying but do remember that my objective is just to illustrate how simple it is. You still need to consult an expert to make sure you’ll have a safe flight.

1. Enroll at a Paragliding School

As what I just emphasized, it is a must to take trainings and not just rely on books or online how-to’s. It normally costs a few hundred dollars in the US. You may find schools in your area from the yellow pages or from the airport near you. Otherwise, you may need to drive to another city over the weekend.

2. Buy a Canopy

Next step is to get a glider you will use with a paramotor. One of the best sources of second-hand canopies are paragliding schools. And while you are at it, look for a harness too. You can also try online but I recommend a direct purchase.

3. Build the Frame

Buy aluminum and take the blueprint from the plan you bought to guide you in cutting it. Blueprints are usually drawn to scale so it should be easy to follow. Next, you can weld it yourself if you have the necessary equipment or have someone to do it for you.

4. Buy a Motor

As in the canopy, you can find great deals of second-hand motors online. Note however that the specifications of the motor you buy should match that of your design. This is crucial as the motor is the one that gives you thrust. Of course, buying a new one is even better.

5. Buy a Propeller

It is recommended to buy a new propeller that fits your engine to make sure it is free from hidden defects. Buy a propeller with two blades and made from wood.

6. Assemble and Test Your Paramotor

Put your paramotor on and get used to its weight on your back. Turn the engine on and see if it is properly pushing you forward with no extra vibration. For this step, please consult an expert for a detailed checklist in testing the engine.

7. Start Flying!

This is the most exciting and fun part – your first time to fly. Once you have completed your flying course and made sure your aircraft is in good condition, you are all set to start paramotoring!

Source by Diether Dunn