Tag: Social Responsibility

How to Play Indoor Mini Golf – The Beginners Guide

Indoor Mini Golf Indoor mini golf or Putt putt, the name the game is famously known by is a small sibling of the world-renowned game, golf. Miniature golf uses a smaller version of a golf…

The Presence of Sodium Hydroxide in Some Household Products

The chemical is known to be one of the strongest bases in the realm of chemistry. While the chemical sodium hydroxide is best seen in industrial plants or chemical laboratories, it is incorporated in so…

Floor Decals Under the Feet and You’re 6-Feet Apart

The term ‘social distancing’ was unknown to most of us even a few months back. But, now it has become an inevitable part of life. As the lockdown is relaxed after months, businesses are reopening.…

Google+ Local Fuses Social and Search

Google is constantly make new changes to its products and service platforms. On May 30th, 2012, the search engine giant scrapped its Google Places pages for what are now called Google+ Local pages. This change…

Important Considerations Before Buying a Puppy

You have always wanted a dog. Perhaps you have retired and fancy taking long walks with your new best pal. Or perhaps the kinds have been pestering you to get a puppy and you have…

4 Content Marketing Mistakes Made by Coaches, Consultants, Solopreneurs & Small Businesses

1. You Give Up Too Soon Content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s a long game. You can’t post 3 articles on your blog then whine about how nobody is reading your stuff……

The Importance of Refurbishing and Reusing Used Stairlifts

One of the most useful inventions for the modern home is the stairlift, which helps thousands of individuals around the world today get around their properties, even if they are suffering from an injury or…

Consider These Questions Before Using A Floor Cleaner or Restoration Products

Many people have a certain floor cleaner that they’ve used for years. They like the results they get and have no complaints. Then, there are those who want to branch out and try a new…

What is an Enlightened Manager?

We have made tremendous progress in recent years in educating managers about the importance of modeling behaviors that engage employees and contribute to the quality of work-life within organizations. While the days of the capricious,…

Real Deals – Advertizing in a Magazine With Real Local Business Ads

Are you looking for great ways to advertize your local business? We have a few suggestions for how you can make real deals happen for your local business. Offline Advertizing Strategies – Posting a colorful…