Where to Buy Rotastak Pink Palace Hamster Cage – Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Discover where to buy the Rotastak Pink Palace hamster cage after reading this. In this article, I will be mentioning 4 common sources where you can buy this cage from and also sharing with you the pros and cons of buying from them. This will help you to make an informed decision on where you are going to buy the Rotastak Pink Palace.

Source #1: Local Pet Stores

Buying products from local pet stores is one of the most common methods of getting supplies for your pets. They have a wide range of pet supplies to choose from and are situated in convenient locations.


  • Going to local pet stores allows you to have a feel of the product you are buying. Instead of plainly reading the descriptions and measurements of the big hamster cage you intend to buy, you are able to see and realize the size of it.
  • There are also staff over there to help you when in doubt.


  • Pet stores do not usually provide you with free delivery for your purchase. Lets say you decide to buy a truck load of items, you will have to bring them home all by yourself.
  • Another thing is that pet stores usually charge more for their goods. This is because they have to pay for rental and manpower. These costs are absorbed by the products that you are planning to buy.
  • Bottom line, you will not be getting the best price for the hamsters cages that you want to buy.

Source #2: Buying from Amazon and ebay

These online shops are one of the most popular places where you can buy stuff. This will of course include the Rotastak Pink Palace hamster cage.


  • These 2 online shops have been around for a long time and are trusted sources. You do not have to worry when you buy from them. They have a wide range of products for you to shop.
  • Other than buying pet supplies, you can get other cool stuff ranging from gadgets to household items.


  • Delivery charges are not waived when you order from these sources. So you will not be getting the best price for the hamster cage that you want.
  • Because pet supplies are not their main focus, sometimes the products you are looking for might be out of stock.

Source #3: Buying from online pet stores

With the improvement of technology these days, pet stores are listing their products online. They are able to show you a whole lot more products with little amount of space (the size of your computer screen). The ‘rental’ they pay is significantly lower than having a place around your neighbourhood or at the shopping mall.


  • Because of the lower ‘rent’, online pet stores are able to charge their products at lower price as compared to those with an actual shop.
  • Another thing is most pet stores selling stuff on the internet provides you with free delivery if you purchase over a certain value.


  • There are a lot of pet stores to choose from on the internet. You will not be able to get the best priced products without proper research.

Source by Martin Sim