A Basic 6 – Step Plan To Beat This Pandemic Together!

It’s now been, over a year, since the first, known case, from this horrific pandemic, was detected, in the United States. Although, there are many reasons, it became, as deadly, as it did, and more – than – enough, blame, to go – around, it may be more upsetting (if, possible), the infection, and death rate, instead of being reduced, has been escalating! We cannot continue, this deadly, poor response, any longer, but, rather, we need a well – considered, national response, created by public health experts, and scientists, instead of politically – motivated, politicians! While, there will be, many details, and, challenges, to get this under – control, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, a basic, 6 – step plan, to beat this thing, together!

1. Wear a mask: The experts inform us, if the vast majority, of Americans, wore a mask, the rate of infection would be reduced, over 90%, and we could bend – the curve, to a far, more manageable level! Instead of making this some sort of political issue, it should become a matter of each of us, assuming our social responsibility, and wearing one, especially, in public buildings (including stores, restaurants, etc)! Unfortunately, President Trump, for whatever his reasons (I believe, politically motivated, etc), minimized wearing one, and refused to set the right example, to his millions of core supporters, and, thus, increased, significantly, the resistance! Wearing a mask, is not, restricting our freedoms, but, rather, common sense, and personal responsibility, to society!

2. Wash hands: Get into the habit of washing (and/ or, sanitizing) your hands, often, especially, when you were in a public space, etc, when, you might have touched some common surface! Also, focus on keeping your hands, and fingers, away from touching your eyes, and/ or, mouth, etc!

3. Social spacing: When, inside, pay close attention, to maintaining social spacing, especially, in hallways, office – spaces, waiting areas, elevators, lobbies, etc. Even, when outside, it is important to maintain, at least a minimum of six feet, between yourself, and others. Since, much of the spread of this virus, is airborne, paying close attention to this, consistently, makes a huge difference, for the better!

4. Avoid crowds: Avoid being anywhere near crowds, especially, when those people, in them, aren’t wearing a mask! The more exposure, the greater the chance/ risk, of being infected!

5. Get vaccinated: When your turn comes, get vaccinated! Don’t procrastinate, and/ or, make excuses! If/ when, we get approximately, 70% of Americans, to do so, we will approach, the much – desired, herd immunity! Unfortunately, since the vaccine, first, became available in late 2020, this has not been going – on, as quickly, as desired, and needed!

6. Be patient: All of us, are tired of the sacrifices, from this pandemic! It seems, too many people, have suffered from some sort of pandemic – fatigue, and, more of them, have resorted to seeking some sort of short – term, relief, and return to normal, when we need, now, more than ever, maintaining patience, discipline, commitment, and even – greater, responsibility!

Although, these steps, may seem basic/ simple, it is, often, common sense, which suffers, most, when it comes to overcoming a crisis! Let’s do this together, and safely, proceed forward, to minimize ramifications, and enhance, a healthy return to some degree, of, normal!

Source by Richard Brody