Tag: Beat

Five Types Of IRS Tax Audits And How A Small Business Owner Can Avoid Or Beat Them

A small business owner has enough to worry about, without the stress of an IRS audit. Avoiding an audit is simple when you understand how the IRS chooses which business returns to select. Beating that…

A Basic 6 – Step Plan To Beat This Pandemic Together!

It’s now been, over a year, since the first, known case, from this horrific pandemic, was detected, in the United States. Although, there are many reasons, it became, as deadly, as it did, and more…

6 Actions Needed By All, To Beat This Pandemic!

When, we witness, more Americans, dying, every day, from this pandemic, than died, from the atrocities, of September 11, 2001, and, many people, still, seem, unwilling to commit, to the necessary degree of personal responsibility/…

Let’s Beat the Heat This Summer Through Online Shopping

The blazing heat of the summer is already killing us. We just want to stay cool inside our home and relax in our comfy pajamas and shorts. Going out shopping in such scorching heat is…