Sales Techniques – Use The Bonus Close To Get Your Prospect To Purchase

The bonus close is one of the most common sales techniques. The crucial factor that makes this technique work is the element of surprise. With a little preparation, you can use this to pull in many sales that may otherwise be lost.

You should use this technique when your prospect is dithering close to the sale or is unable to make up his mind.

You can first go along the flow of conversation by saying “…here’s the brochure you wanted so you can go think about it.” While flipping your presentation folder, also pull out the brochure for your bonus and say, “…our dealership is now giving away polarized window films and micro-fibre upholstery when you get yourself a new car.”

At this point, you have to sell him on the benefits of the bonus. Close him on the bonus, and then add a touch of urgency by appealing to his fear of scarcity.

A simple way to do this is to create a sense of urgency by saying, “…and to qualify for this, you must make a decision by 15th April, which is today.”

To make it more convincing, shout across to your colleague, who’ll holler back with “15th April”. Then show him the calendar looking for the date and say, “…oh, this would be today!”

In some industries, giving out bonuses is rampant to the extend prospects expect to get them. Thus the power of this technique becomes diluted since the element of surprise is no gone. But there’s a way to turn it around…

Give them a valuable bonus, and then announce a mystery gift that will be sent to the prospect’s address. Suspense can be a powerful motivator.

For this to work, you have to emphasize what the mystery gift can do for the prospect. He must find it attractive and most valuable. You can drop hints, but the name of the product must be kept a secret.

There are many ways you can use the bonus close. If your bonus is very attractive, you can sweeten the pot simply by announcing the bonus. Otherwise it is best used together with other techniques, like ask-the-manager close or the give-take close.

The last thing you want is for your prospect to think, “so what”, as you talk about the bonus. Thus if your offer is similar to the business next door, beware. Your prospect has every reason to start sneering at your bonus close as you pull it up on him.

Used properly, this all-too-common sales technique can be revitalized if you know how. By using the bonus close with skill, you can still get hordes of business as your competition looks on.

Source by Hann Yap