Tag: Pandemic

A Basic 6 – Step Plan To Beat This Pandemic Together!

It’s now been, over a year, since the first, known case, from this horrific pandemic, was detected, in the United States. Although, there are many reasons, it became, as deadly, as it did, and more…

5 Basics To Protect Your Health During A Pandemic

This year, 2020, will be remembered, unfortunately, as the year of this horrific pandemic, which has seen over 50 million worldwide cases, and over 10 million cases in the United States, as well as about…

6 Actions Needed By All, To Beat This Pandemic!

When, we witness, more Americans, dying, every day, from this pandemic, than died, from the atrocities, of September 11, 2001, and, many people, still, seem, unwilling to commit, to the necessary degree of personal responsibility/…

Denials, Lies, And Being Tired, Don’t Make The Pandemic Go – Away!

Every day, it seems, there’s another article, or report, stating many, around the world, are suffering from Pandemic Fatigue! After, so many months, it is natural, many would be sick – and – tired, of…

Still, No National Pandemic Plan!: 5 Concerning Behaviors

Although, it is unfair, to blame, this President, for the present pandemic, especially, the onset of the virus, many believe, his lack of effective planning, and being prepared, has contributed, to the horrific human impacts,…